Monday, December 10, 2018

What is freelancing and how to decide Freelancing?

What is freelancing and how to decide Freelancing  is right for Students.

  •  What is freelancing
  •  How to start freelancer job
  •    For searching online job
  •   Advantage of freelancing job
  •   Open job criteria  
  •  Disadvantage of freelancing job
  •  No bound to work at certain place or time
  • Question according to people view                                                                         
  •  Example of freelancer job      
  •  Time Management
  •  Freelancing job opportunities
  •  Why freelancing job required
  •  Conclusion                                                    

                        What is Freelancing Job

There are many of us thinking that what is freelancing and how to start freelancing online job.

Freelancing  refers to online professional job, which is based on self-employment where a person work independently for themselves and take contract based work with multiply companies without affiliated to the authorised company while doing job.

Freelancing introduce the latest version of online job which is one of the best opportunity for many youngster,especially for students to show their talent and skill to generate online source of income. 
Majority of new generation prefer to do online job instead of conventional job.

1: Freelancing is becoming one of the fast growing professional.

In the modern technology world, freelancing offer great opportunity to work in free time as apart time job while setting in their home. Freelancing is one of the exciting and challenge careers of youngster in which the new generation are highly connected to the social media through internet with its different application, with the help of this connectivity the youngster can initiate their online job in free time.

 If we do online job we become a good skilled worker in the market world,where it gives us many opportunity in the related updated field globally.

How to start a freelancing job

How to start a freelancing job that is very simple; just visit the online freelancing sites and other marketing web sites, firstly create your freelancer profile same as personal resume or business card with the help of host sites such as or Up work and Set up your account with a hosting provider websites such as world press and blue host which is a good platform to keep data private and safe.
Initiate your online project with providing quality and reliable data where everyone can get relevant knowledge in which they are deserve for.
At last set your payment option in which you can paid easily, its depend upon your location.
Whatever you want to do that is up to you friends, after a few minutes you revised a massage .now you are a part of any company or marketing web sites.

If you are interested in freelancing job, go through the freelancing job web site create an account and adding your skills to your profile.

Main step to fallow while creating your own freelancing account.
      Ø  Create freelancer profile
Ø  Select freelancing sites
Ø  Select your target market
Ø  Select  a reliable sites of freelancing

2: Start online job by using freelancing  websites. 

For searching online job

In the field of freelancing job you are your own boss no one can bound you in term of work pressure, lack of time, bound to a specific organisation, bound to specific location, stuck with limited office work with limited client interaction. For online services you are only responsible for managing their work plan, to manage time for work and you can work with multiple companies internationally and globally.
Freelancing job offer many online project work with multiple company with the help of freelancing job sites, which are as following.
  •   Up
  •     Fiverr. com
  •   The

      3: Link with related websites create your own link.

Freelancing reduces dependency

Freelancing provide multiple clients’ interaction which reduce the dependency upon the client during online job you are interacting with many clients with different organization which enable employee to enhance their skill and knowledge.
Freelancing job require specific time duration and nobody command on you. It’s a job of relaxation and pleasure. As all peoples desire that they should not become a slave of government or any other private institution rather then they prefer to work independently on self-base.


4. Million of client, multiple interaction online.

Open job criteria

Freelancing enable many people to obtain quality freelancer and self-employment status and  to get professional development skill even if you are a student and employee. And there are no any age limit to do online job, In this way every skilled individual can make their career to avail affordable online job.

Advantage of freelancer job

Freelancing has many advantages in term of it gives many latest job opportunity in the currently, which is growing very fast in the market, it’s not only offer the job for the relevant qualification setup rather then it offer everyone in any education level to do online job.
Freelancing job haven’t boss to guide you according to the work description it’s upon you to do their work properly to take all the decisions and to arrange their work plan.
  • It enable you to hunt job even in a short period of time
  • Freelancing enable you to get multiple job online.
  • Through online job you can generate more and more income.
  •  It promotes good skilled personal in the online marketing.
  • For enjoyment like some people want isolation.
  •  It enables the client to become up to date with latest market demand.
  •  Freelancing market have many competition in term of hunting job, there are many clients who are working globally and have multiply skill while doing job..

5:Freelancing enhance your effort to work independently as a self employee.

Disadvantage of freelancer are illustration

Its natural phenomena or universal fact that everything has its opposite effect like freelancer has some advantages and some disadvantages such as freelancer do not receive employment benefit in term of pension, sick, leaves, paid holiday, bonuses or health insurances.

  • Ø  Loss of health for doing wealth.
    Ø  Do not give a proper time to your family s and their relatives.
    Ø  Every individual become habitual upon it and create competition among freelancer
  • Ø  Lack of time for socially services in the society.
     No bound of work in a certain place 

In the field of freelancer job you have no bound to doing work only in office. That is up to you what you want, you should work where 4G or internet asses is available .you can do it in travelling or going to other place. You are not bound to any location.

6:Freelancing prefer to work in isolation at any places you wish.

According to People perception about freelancing

Many of us think that what is the best way of earning which generate fast income day by day, many question arise behind freelancer job. Somehow I would like to discuss with you. Many of us believe that online job is not a legal job instead it is a fake job and people make us foolish. According to this it is totally a wrong perception.

If you are a good writer you are a good internet user try to search for the right web side. Due to this you can enhance your skill through polishing your information knowledge day by day. More you read more you learn that is a great way of learning.

What every skill you have you can utilize it further avail it and purchase it by going through online job websites. You can work with any company for any time period duration.

Examples of freelancer job

The preferred area of freelancing job opportunity is dominated mainly by graphic design, web design, music, content writing, computer programming. Publicity, advertising, technological support.

Time management

Managing time is up to you how you manage your time. Simple way is that if you are free in evening or morning just gives two to three hours per day for freelancing.


7: Time management is the key of success in the freelancing field.

Freelancing Opportunities

Freelancing job is different from regular job, with a regular job you are only doing for specifies job. With a freelancer job you are up to date, day by day to avail new job. you are able to work with multiple freelancing online job in any field of preferences.


8: Multi dimensional field of preferences job opportunity.

Why freelancing job required

The first priority of freelancing job is compulsory for the needy student who has many financial problems while studying in the particular school, college or university to overcome the burden of education expenses. Secondly it is need for the regular worker or employee whose salary is very low in which it cannot meet the home this situation you become helpless or hopeless.

For these circumstances freelancing job is vary compulsory for students and it’s one of the best ways to generate handsome income.
For these circumstances freelancing job is vary compulsory for students and it’s one of the best ways to generate handsome income.
  •         Freelancing job reduce dependency upon parents
  •         Good platform for Students to overcome its education expenses
  •         Poor one can easily eradicate their financial problems
  •          Needy one can enhance their financial income

9:Freelancing engage youngster with latest technical job.


According to my knowledge freelancing online job is one of the great opportunities for student and new generation to meet their educational expenses through generating online income which is the super demand in the latest marketplace.
Every individual access high quality freelancer career in online job as a professionally and financially become sound.
Majority of student are graduated from university and they can not avail job easily in the particular organisation such as private and Government sector. Many of us are doing free internship for the sack of availing job. But it’s not become true we are only wasting our precious time. Instead of it we have hunt f online job, therefore freelancing provides a quick and easily job opportunity for students.
Freelancing online job requires a lot of effort, initially you will face many problem and difficultly with respective to the nature of a job. Later it will become too easy for you.
Freelancing online job requires the basic component like laptop, android mobile, internet connection full comfortable office.

If you like this article,feel free to mention your precious feedback with me.
Thank you

1 comment:

  1. There is the best guideline for beginner in the freelancing world.


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